

INDONESIA has thousands Islands & over 1,300 Ethnicities, Foods and a lot of Languages Bali is the one place in the entire region where these once-widespread tradition remain strong. Java is the main island of Indonesia that have multicultural ethnic.

Bali is considered a good place for people new to the digital nomad lifestyle or looking to start an online business. home decor handcraft products are Natural, Absolutely Rare, Handmade and Solid. Fashion, It is derived from Indonesian culture and traditional textiles. Today the most widely recognized national BATIK. .

About JeanJava

JeanJava was founded by Jean Hafid and her brother Larry Hafid in Jakarta. JeanJava is short from JEAN first the name of founder and JAVA the name of city where is original products. Jean started back in more than 10 years ago. Jean loves to see most of Indonesian Art and Craft. major Jean loves Marketing and Public Relations. Jean combines those two become one. If you have any question please contact us.

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In 2012 We created JeanJava, one of home decor & lifestyle sites on the internet. In 2013 we started in US with Strategy Market Festival to Festival or Bazaar. Our Mission ; To democrate design and give inspiration natural concept and style.